LOVE LIBERATION, Exhibition by Marat Mukhonkin
Art Installation by Maksim Chernykh
Opening Reception
THURSDAY 26 th of September from 18.00
At the SCHLOSSHOTEL Berlin by Patrick Hellamann
Brahmstrasse 10, 14193 Berlin
CURATOR | Irina Rusinovich
Berlin, GERMANY — August 26, 2019 — PURPLEHAZE FASHION & ART
presents a debut exhibition of an emerging artist, Maksim Chernykh. An art
installation entitled Modern Slavery opening to the public September 26,
2019. The project reflects the artists idea of the difficulties of the modern
world, on how people find it diffuclut to drop their duties and snackles and
follow thier inner voice and dreams so they can be happy. Artist, Maksim,
about his idea behind his installation -“ Many of my friends
and acquaintances spend most of their time at work, with short breaks for
vacations and, if they’re lucky, weekends. It applies to everyone, regardless
of whether they earn a lot and have a very good income, or can scarcely live
on it. Whether rich or poor, modern people are sinking into work, doing as
many projects as possible, dedicating every minute of their time to making
money. We, people of the 21st century, think naively, there is no more
slavery; but almost every one of us is tied up. They are invisible shackles,
but their burden is heavy. The modern rhythm decreases our alertness, we
have to hurry, work, do, do. We do not need a guard with the whip, no, there
are unpaid bills, loans, mortgages, debts, etc. That scares us, we are afraid
to quit work that we do not enjoy, to take time out and the heart and let the
soul decide what we should do as a profession.
This vicious circle of life I want to represent with my art installation.
Maksim Chernykh was born in Russia in 1988 and studied costume design at
the Moscow College of Arts and Industry and completed his studies in 2014
with a Bachelor of Design with distinction. During his studies he was able to
create complete looks. His collections have always been characterized by
creativity and theatricality, as interesting paintings, architecture and artwork
have always inspired him. In 2014, he participated in Moscow Fashion Week
with his collection. In the same year he won the first place in the competition
for young designers. In 2015 he decided to move to Germany in order to
develop professionally. In 2017 he started his studies at the TU Berlin
master’s program Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum. In 2018 he took part in the
exhibition at the TU with his installation. In 2019 he designed sets and
costumes for the production of „Die Fledermaus“ by Strauss at the Academy
of Music Hanns Eisler in Berlin.