LOVE LIBERATION, Exhibition by Marat Mukhonkin
Exhibition by Marat Mukhonkin
Curated by Irina Rusinovich
Berlin, Germany — LOVE LIBERATION is a brand new exhibition by Moscow-born
fashion photographer Marat Mukhonkin. This time the artist explores different
angles of human sensuality that could be only met by chance. Fleeting moments,
poses and glances captured in the nude photographs — is it voyeurism to look at the
images that are so extracted from the context or rather a witness? Marat leaves the
answer to the viewer, inviting us to enjoy the world of untainted senses and higher
aesthetic pleasure.
Marat Mukhonkin, the artist:
“Can a tender, sensual touch, the one that comes invisibly but imprints on the soul
be a proper responsible action? No, it can’t — everything that carries romance and
sweetness is wonderful because it’s a game of chance; all the rest is born out of
violence towards oneself, one’s partner and human as a whole. The works I want
to represent within the project have a very specific touch — it’s about a fraction of
a second, a pure emotion that is yet free from the desire for power. An impulse can
never be obliging, thus it’s so irresistible.”

About the Artist:
Born in Moscow in 1981. Entered the Faculty of Philology (Moscow State Pedagogical University) in 1998. Marat took up studio photography at the age of 17 — at 19 he started collaborating with modeling agencies as a freelance photographer. In 2003 the artist first worked with a fashion
edition — NRG Magazine. From 2004 till 2019 Marat Mukhonkin has collaborated with dozens of glossies, among which are L’Officiel, Vogue, Instyle, GQ, Mini Glamour, Playboy, Purplehaze Magazine, Moulin Rouge, L-Optimum, Maxim and many other editions. On the record of the artist there are three solo exhibitions: L’Oréal Paris beauty show (2008), Show Package President Model Management (2011), Bosco Donna solo show (2014), let alone group exhibitions in museums and galleries and numerous publications in both print & online magazines.
The artist’s page:
Exhibition by Marat Mukhonkin
Curated by Irina Rusinovich
29 November 2019 at 7 pm
HAZE Gallery at Bülowstraße 11, Berlin

HAZEGALLERY / @hazegallery / is a conteporary art and photo gallery located in Berlin, representing interationally renowned artists and emerging artists from all over the world and the local community. The work is mainly conceptually based. Through innovatiove online marketing, amongs its own magazine platform, international art and photography fairs, catalogues, group and solo exhibitions, we seek to place our artists work in a wide range of private collections and to give it a home. The gallery is interested helping to be the bridge between the artist and viewer and making art affordable for everyone