MAXIM KROKIN was born 08/10/1993 in Rostov-on-Don in Russia. At the age of 9
he followed his mother in Naples in Italy where he spent most of his youth ages.
During his teenage years he was involved in a underground scene of skateboarding,
electronic music and graffiti between Naples and Rome. After the High school he
decided to move to Berlin with a desire to become a Music producer and DJ. During
the last 5 years making music in Berlin some how he started to spend more time
working on the covers for his future releases than on music itself, this was a
breaking point in his life where he get caught form art. Some times you will find his
art funny full of colors and some times criticizing the modern society.

How did you get into art? Whats your definition of beauty?
harmony between colors and and right proportions
Tell us about the spaces within which you live and work .
small topical Berlin apartment suffering to find daily light.
Do you have a routine or rituals as you work?
not really but before i start i usually take a cup of coffee
How would you describe the colour palette of your art?
punch in the face. no to be honest i like to very and experiment
new combinations but if i have to define it i would say “warm
and bright”.
Which artist of the past would you most like to meet?
Jean-Marc Côté
What visual references do you draw upon in your work?
old comix and advertising signs but also photography
Do you find that BERLIN art scene inspires or influences your art?
yes specially Berlin’s street art inspires me a lot.