ART & FASHION is a new exhibition at Hazegallery which takes place from May 15th to 28th, with a opening on 14th of May, 7 pm.
Curated by Purplehaze Editor-in-Chief Irina Rusinovich @irinarusinovich, the show focuses on fashion photography as a medium which transforms fashion into a tangible art object. Since Purplehaze Magazine @purplehazemagazine is devoted to both fashion and art, Haze Gallery follows this synergy concept as a sequel to the publication.⠀
To coincide with the reopening of the BERLIN gallery with a new exhibition a 3D online viewing room, will launch on May 14, 2020. Art & Fashion features works by 10 visual artists from different parts of Europe in anticipation of the summer show season.⠀
Georgy IL @gagan.il [Russia]
Alina Gross @alina.gross [Germany]
Katya Derksen @xkxtya [Great Britain]
Marta Braggio @martabraggio [Italy]
Taja Spasskova @tajaspasskova [Czech Republik ]
Noortje Stortelder @noortje_stotelder [Netherlands]
Anthony Authie @zyvastudio [France]
Tatjana Yeryomenko @ta_nu_chic [Russia]
Adam Siwek @adam_siwek [Poland]
Letu Salvi @letusalvi [Germany]
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Photo Credit “RED” Noortje Stortelder, @noortje_stortelder www.noortjestortelder.com