Photographer Broemaand @broemaand
Stylist Josephine Herfst @j.herfst
Make up artist & Hair Shakira @shakira_mua
Model Hugo @hugovanboven @innocencemodelagancy
Studio @studioletterie
LOOK 1 Hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind Mesh top Object & Dawn @objectanddawn Leather pants Tim Couwenberg @tii______________ Shoes Filling Pieces @fillingpieces LOOK 2 Hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind Rings The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry
LOOK 1 Boots stylist archive Leather pants Afura @afurastore Crop tops Paulina Meyle @paulinameyle Chain necklace The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry LOOK 2 Chain necklace The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry
Look 1 Green hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind Rings The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry Look 2 Hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind Mesh top Object & Dawn @objectanddawn Leather pants Tim Couwenberg @tii______________
Look 1 grey skirt Vanderwilt-Amsterdam @vanderwiltamsterdam Necklace The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry Boots stylist archive Look 2 black hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind grey skirt Vanderwilt-Amsterdam @vanderwiltamsterdam Boots stylist archive
Green hat Marianne Jongkind @mariannejongkind Rings The pool jewelry @thepooljewelry