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Interview with artist Lasha Chrelashvili


Text and Photo: Irina Rusinovich

Interview with artist Lasha Chrelashvili

Where do you come from, where and when were you born?

I am from Tbilisi, Georgia

Please tell us about your artistic vita in a few sentences.

I think my artistic vita begins in my dad’s art studio on the top of a soviet apartment building, the
place from which, till this day, I derive knowledge, emotions and questions with which I play with answers. In 2016-2021 I studied at Muthesius Kunsthochschule in Kiel. During which I participated in multiple shows. I can’t brag about the amount of gallery shows I’ve been in, since I’ve always been experimenting with different materials and styles. But I’m sure a lot will change in that direction this year.

How would you describe your creative process?

It is very chaotic, spontaneous and impulsive. I work on multiple different scale paintings at the same time. I believe these dynamics are shown in the paintings as well, I’m just not sure if it’s good or bad, but I look closely inwards during my creative process and I believe this is the most important aspect.

What was the key influence that led to the development of your process and style?

I think a big part of the process and the style stems from childhood insecurities and difficulties. What had the most influence was a confession, a very important confession that we don’t really know the place and environment we’re in and we need to study it, despite the fact that by itself everything looks familiar. This feeling of being lost was very interesting for me and acted as a starting point of this thinking, of the new style and process in my art.

What does art mean to you personally? Is there a goal you’re trying to accomplish?

Personally for me art is the reality, the chemistry of you looking or listening and knowing that it’s true, sincere and special. You have no idea why or how but you do know that it’s there.

Probably these are the hormones of reality with which people connect with each other outside of consciousness.

What is your favorite museum or art gallery and why?

Museums aren’t my favorite, they’re way too official. I prefer galleries and experimental spaces, since they’re a lot more candid and real. A lot of people criticize openings, saying that people go there just to talk and drink, but if that’s the case, then it’s good. Isn’t one of the qualities of art to build these sorts of bridges between people?

What’s your definition of beauty?

I try to find beauty in the everyday details. For example, I see a lot of it in a passionate person.

How do you think the art world will shape in the future?

Hard to say. The space is wide open and there are many directions. Despite technological progress and AI, human made art will have a significant value throughout the foreseeable future. Now is one of the most interesting times in the art world. We have an absolute craziness ahead.

What’s next for you?

I’m very motivated because I feel like I’m making my first serious steps towards my career.
A lot of new emotions, still unknown, await me. I’m excited for my solo show in Haze Gallery and I’m very happy that we work together. Thank you for the trust.

Interview with photographer Marco Sanges


Text: Irina Rusinovich
Photo: Courtesy of photographer Marco Sanges

Interview with photographer Marco Sanges

At an early age, Sanges started to work at his uncle’s photographic lab and became fascinated by the crafts and the process of developing and making black-and-white pictures. Sanges prefers analogue photography, as he’s nostalgic for the early 20th century, when life was slower-paced and even feelings seemed to last longer.

Greatly attracted to cinema and the luminous, black-and-white films of the silent-era, in particular, Sanges creates photographs in sequence. Every sequence tells a unique, multi-layered story, contributing to a highly personal, imaginary cinema. The projects staged as live theatrical performances are permeated with magnifying imagination. 

The surrealistic impression of Sanges’ work represents the liberation of the unconscious. The artist aims at creating art outside the boundaries of official culture: he seeks to reject the established values and elaborate some fantasy worlds through illustrating extreme mental states and ideas.

There is also an enchanting, yet dark side of the artist’s work: an intriguing depth that appears to highlight the drama of life and capture the sincerity of the journey. Sanges’ works make the spectator embark on an emotional voyage and lose themselves in the narrative and the power of storytelling.

His exhibitions bring together the works of an artist who is passionate about life in its entirety and continues to evoke, transcend, and excite the world! Although fascinated by digital arts, Sanges strongly believes in the immortality of film and the real essence of photography. He works with a 6×7 camera and always expects the pictures to be perfect at the first raw.

How would you describe your style and your approach to photography?

I would describe my style as cinematographic and complex. I create projects and photographs in sequence, where each story is slowly revealed to the viewer. I use photography as a medium to explore the unconscious and fantasy realms. I like to work using a variety of concepts and techniques, experimenting and bringing creativity in my compositions, designing my own imaginary world, like I were daydreaming, you know.  

The topic for the current Purplehaze print issue is WOMEN. What do you think of when hearing this word? 

Mystery, style, sex appeal, intuition, sophistication. and red lipstick.

Do you have a different approach to women in your work?

I enjoy finding strong and eccentric personalities who become the main characters of my narratives. It’s a desire of mine to tell a story through still images, while also implementing an element of cinema. It’s like a natural progression that remains strongly present. You can clearly see it in my ‚Circumstances‘ series in which I predominantly shot women. 

Please tell us about your creative process. Do you tend to follow the same process in each project?

My creative process is constantly evolving. It does change depending on the project, the subject, and the message I want to convey. The only thing that doesn’t change is my devotion with analogue shooting, i.e. developing/processing films in the darkroom. I’m attached to the old craft of photography, thus, it’s very important for me to carry it on in my practice.

What message do you want to get across with your photography?

I would say the most important thing is the storytelling power of my photographs. For me, each image is a way to address the imagination of viewers, make them experience their own version of the story. Capturing a moment with tension, inspiration, and emotion is the main goal of all my practice.

How has your practice evolved since starting out?

Photography is a vast craft and my practice has evolved a lot since starting out. Working on different projects has allowed me to discover some sides of me that I previously had no idea about. It also enabled me to push boundaries and dare to try out different ways of photographing.

Please tell us about your new COVID series.

The idea of creating COVID series came to me at the beginning of March last year as we got stuck at home. I sought to document the unique period we all were going through and represent it in an authentic and artistic manner. The first part of the project was shot at home: it was just a mixture of daily objects and everyday scenes. Those were the things that became very close to us, meanwhile the external world suddenly became unknown. I guess there was even something comforting in knowing those objects were at our side day after day.

In the second part of the project, I went out following my own shadow and capturing what had remained in the city. That’s how a series of portraits and street scenes arrived. My goal was to express the feelings we all shared during those strange times like a feeling of being imprisoned in a ghost town with the medium of photography. The spontaneous approach I took allowed me to capture genuine emotions and make striking images.

What’s the latest project you are working on?

Currently I’m working on a new project where lights, science, and astronomy are the main subjects. Photographing science and medical objects from the earlier centuries and bringing back the old crafts of astronomy is the goal of the project. The role of light and geometric shapes is very important; it brings a different dimension and definition to each image.

Interview with designer Sasha Gapanovich


I r i n a  R u s i n o v i c h
Photos courtesy of the designer

Interview with designer Sasha Gapanovich

Why did you decide to choose fashion designing as a career?

I have been involved in creative work since I was a child. My mother is a sewing technologist; in my early years, I spent a lot of time at the sewing factory where she worked. Thus, my choice of profession was very natural and harmonious for me. Immediately after school, I went to master my sewing skills. It was a design competition that awakened my creative ambitions: I came up with an idea of  making my own collection, and I eventually made one in 2003.

Would you tell us something about your background?

Yes, please. Here is my CV: 

School №13, the seamstress of the top lady’s wear, (1997—2000), Murmansk;

Moscow State Pedagogical University, Technology and Design faculty (2001—2006), Murmansk;
Namodnenie, special diploma for the Everyday Chic collection (2003), Murmansk;
Grantee, business incubator of the Murmansk region (2009);
Grantee, KPD 2010 city competition (2010), Murmansk;
Nordic Look international project participant (2011), Finland—Iceland;
Grantee, KPD 2012 city competition (2012), Best Production Project category, Murmansk;
Advanced training, Art & Design course, Central St. Martins College (2012), London;
Training, Metrics online academy of branding and design (2020), Moscow; 

And some of my best performances:

Barents Fashion Week (2008), Russia—Norway;
Fashion show (May 8—11, 2009), Norway;
La Belle Hollywood fashion show (2011), Oslo, Norway;

Beauty of the Polar Region regional contest, designer (2011, 2012), Murmansk;
Jury Member, Namodnenie, the regional festival of young designers (2011—2021), Murmansk;
Sicily Fashion Project (2015), Sicily;
Lexus Fashion Day (2017), Murmansk;
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia, season 42 (2021), Moscow;
Lamoda fashion reality show (2021), Moscow;
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia, season 43 (2021), Moscow;

Collaborative project between the Ethnographic Museum of St. Petersburg and the platform for young Russian brands Front (2021), Moscow—St. Petersburg; 

More than 100 publications in various international and Russian magazines, including but not limited to: Vogue Russia, Vogue Italia, L’Officiel Australia, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle Russia, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, L’Officiel Russia, Grazia, Glamour, BURO, The Blueprint, Beinopen, Purplehaze

Is it difficult to be a fashion designer in Russia?

It is, especially, in the regions. There is virtually no financial support for talented young people: for all the time I have been working as an artist, the situation remains unchanged…

You design wonderful things. I wonder who or what is your source of inspiration for work?

Speaking about the last collection, the main source of inspiration for it was my native land: the nature of the far north, its colors and textures, the general mood of the places I was born and raised in. 

It is also interesting how you combine femininity and volume. What is the story behind it? 

It’s hard for me to say what kind of story is behind this mix of large shapes and vibrant femininity. Yet indeed, in my early years, I would always gravitate towards the large shapes breaking into space and the flowing feminine silhouettes.

What is your favorite part of being a fashion designer?

My favorite parts are creative research, conceptualization, the sketching stage, and the demonstration of the collection itself, where you can see the overall result of your work.

Please define fashion.

Fashion is something very fast, bright, and cutting-edge, conveying the sentiments of society — and going one step ahead. 

How do you stay up to date regarding fashion?

I analyze trends. Information comes from everywhere, even if you’re not specifically looking for it.

What do you think about work ethics? What kind of ethics do you think one should follow while working in fashion?

In my opinion, we shouldn’t only speak about fashion,  but also other areas of humanity.

How would you describe your personal style?

My lifestyle is rather ordinary: I am a working mum of four daughters living in the far north. I would compare my everyday life with something comfortable, cosy, big, warm, layered, and agender, but necessarily with a pair of interesting and accentual shoes (shoes are a particular passion of mine). 

If it is an event, it should be restrained, either of an interesting cut or a laconic silhouette, with print accents and a combination of fabrics. 

Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?

I’m still a mother and a friend to my daughters, a designer of a brand with a mature, worldwide recognized name, not just a start-up. I enjoy a loyal following and have a boutique in Paris (which is my big dream actually). Time will tell 😉

Artist In Focus: Janik Gensheimer



I r e n  R u s s o

Artist In Focus: Janik Gensheimer

How did you get into photography? 

For a school project I started to dig into abstract photography. I got all the books I could get my hands on from the library and spent all summer learning as much as I could about it. In autumn I tried all kinds of abstract photography experiements in my black-out room.


Can you tell us about the process of making your work? 

First of all it needs a great idea. No matter if it’s for a personal project or a job with certain requirements, the idea and the concept are the most important part for a coherent series.

My aim is to implement each job in a way that it’s good enough to make it into my portfolio. I want to create photographs that touch the viewer and create emotions. This cannot be done only through great execution. The content of the picture has to be compelling, has to be new, and polarizing. My photograph is a good one when it makes the viewer pause and provokes a reaction. This is what I’m going for in every photograph I create.

When it comes to architecutal photography the process is a bit simpler. The preparation is a detailed analysis of the building and the location. I then decide on which time of day I have to where and in what weather conditions. Everything else is then created during the process of photography. I try to get a feel for the architect’s idea and bring the three-dimensionality into the two-dimensionality of photography through my clear and simple style. To me, the highest art in photography is to find a clear, unbiased perspective, in which I don’t influence (architectual photography is documentation) while still creating emotions.


Do you have a favourite photograph or painting, which inspires you?

Untitled, 1992
Adam Fuss

Which photographer  of the past would you most like to meet? 

Man Ray

Have you ever had a moment when you questioned your career entirely? 

thankfully not.  I’ve always known that that’s gonna be my path and my passion.

What advice would you give to a young artist following in your steps?

My own path to being an artist is long from finished. Instead, I’d like to answer this question in regards to a path to photography.




I think it is important to take enough time to figure out what kind of photographer and artist you want to be.
There are a milion possibilities, but if you want to be successful and be able to give it all you’ve got, you should be in it with your head and your heart, and love what you do.
A good, solid training is the first step on this road. Ask yourself where you can get the best training for what you want, regardless of the degree that comes with that training. For some people a regular apprenticeship with a good photographer might be a better fit than a university programme. Keep in mind that it requires a high quality of your educational insitution that also aligns with your own interests.
Once you’ve finished your training assist, assist, assist. There is no better way to gain precious experience of what your day-to-day life as a photographer is going to be like. Mistakes aren’t as grave and you’re starting to build a network that might pay off down the road. Never forget being a photographer is also being a business (wo)man. You’ll need to know how to run a business, because being a good photographer won’t help you to land any jobs.


Instagram Janik Gensheimer: @janik__g

Exclusive interview with Nadine Dinter, director of an Art PR agency in Berlin


photo: Steven Kohlstock

I r e n  R u s s o

Exclusive interview with Nadine Dinter, director of an Art PR agency in Berlin

Can you tell us about your background in the arts, and how you ended up working as an independent PR agency specialising in photography and also as an art collector?

As long as I can remember, I have loved the arts. As a child, you would always see me with a piece of paper and a crayon; later I copied famous works like those by Franz Marc or visions of Venice. While I was doing my A-levels in art, I went to every museum show possible. After making my first steps in the business world, I moved to New York as I wanted to add some experience to my first two courses of study. In the summer of 2001, I enrolled at NYU to study art administration. I also got an internship at the renowned non-profit space White Columns, and immersed myself in the local art scene. Experiencing art and working with professionals really helped me to navigate through the overwhelming New York art scene.

I strongly believe that doing and creating have always been more valuable for me than just reading and listening. Theorie vs. Praxis, as we say in German. Internships and project experiences helped me find the kind of work I wanted to do. After New York came an internship at Boris Abel Kunst, then work at C/O Berlin, followed by a job at Asperger Gallery, then one at Alexander Ochs Berlin/Beijing. In 2006, I was ready to strike out on my own and founded my PR agency. As a lover of photography and avid photographer myself – this quickly became the focus my activities: promoting photography exhibitions for galleries, museums, and artists. During the early years, I often accepted art pieces as part of my payment; later, I bought art that “spoke to me” – at art fairs, during studio visits, even at flea markets. I have also received work from artists as a token of appreciation for my services. So you could say that art collecting came with the job, or is a pleasant side effect of my PR work.

Photographer Olaf Heine, Press Officer Nadine Dinter and model Maik Eichhorn, Galerie IMMAGIS, 2018, Photo: Michael Tinnefeld

What is your earliest memory of photography art, and what led you to start collecting it and promoting it?

Photography has always been a passion of mine. As a teen I started taking pictures using an old Praktica I inherited from my grandfather, and I loved visiting the few photography galleries that were around in the nineties in Berlin. Rare works at Kicken gallery in Berlin-Mitte, high-fashion photographs at CAMERA WORK in Charlottenburg, as well as the fantastic Helmut Newton retrospective in 2000 at Neue Nationalgalerie are three highly memorable shows from the early years.

The reason I started collecting and promoting art came from my strong desire – or even need – to have art in my private and professional life. And photography, with its exciting history, captivating works and protagonists, plus my own photographic work, seemed to be the perfect medium to build the rest of my life on. The rest is history…

How would you describe yourself as a photography PR specialist?

24/7, passionate, professional, open, ambitious, well-connected, a healthy mix of outgoing and discreet, eager to constantly learn about the classics while discovering the work of new photographers. My motto: Consult, communicate, connect.

Together with the Hilton Brothers Paul Solberg (left) and Christopher Makos (right), Waldorf Astoria Hotel Berlin, 2016, Photo: Dietmar Bührer

What is the main motivation behind your work?

The central aim of my work is to create maximum exposure and media attention for the projects I am promoting. This means international press articles, well-orchestrated press events and openings, and the many visitors activated to come and view the gallery exhibition, museum show, or festival. Personally, I love the feeling of being immersed in the art experience. It’s also immensely rewarding to be at an opening and to see the happy faces of the client, the artists, and the visitors.

What are the three main qualities an art consultant must have?

Willpower, patience, and connectivity.

What are some dos and don’ts artists should know when working with a consultant?  

Dos: If you decide you want support, then be open, cooperative, and willing to accept advice you might not like at first.

Have a clear vision of what you want, or try to express the essence of your goals as clearly as possible, so that the consultant can pick up on it and build your personalized strategy.

Don’t: Don’t overestimate yourself but also don’t underestimate yourself. Be ready to let go of old habits and to let in fresh perspectives, new ideas, and unusual approaches.

With star photographers Inez & Vinoodh and curator + director of the Helmut Newton Foundation, Matthias Harder, HNF Berlin 2019

During the opening at the Deichtorhallen, with photographer Miron Zownir (left) and his gallerist Bene Taschen (right), Hamburg 2016


As a PR and art consultant, how have you built up your wide network of artists and clients? How has this changed since COVID-19? 

Part of my work is visiting major photography events, such as les Rencontres d’Arles and Paris Photo, but above all, the photography-related events here in Berlin. This is where you see the artists, clients, and curators you already know but also where you get to know new people in the scene, by being introduced to them or by introducing yourself. Going to openings shows their respect, and signals that you, too, are an active part of the scene. Plus you can see the works in person: for me, a digital representation is no match for a live experience.

Since COVID-19, the scene, the personal encounters, and the whole feeling of togetherness have been hit incredibly hard. Otherwise simple acts of meeting in person to talk about art and life, all the little human interactions, not to mention travel – these have all been put on hold. On top of that are the financial woes that have come with the closing of the art spaces.

What is the most recent work of art you added to your personal collection and why?

A beautiful black and white portrait of Alfred Hitchcock, taken in 1970 by Greg Gorman. On the one hand, I adore b/w portraits, and on the other hand, I love Hitchcock’s movies. So two passions are combined in one photograph.

With jazz musician + photographer Till Brönner and photographer Tom Lemke, Berlin 2016, Photo: Steven Kohlstock

Has digitalization changed the way you collect art?

Not really. Although I do read market reports, which inform on what is being auctioned or sold digitally, I am a classic collector who loves to stand in front of an artwork, to get a better sense of its materiality, feel its power; the live experience is what stirs my desire to buy the work.

Where is the future of the art market headed?

This year and last have proven that there are other effective means to show and promote art than “just” exhibitions and fairs. It’s great that novel ways of displaying and selling art are being developed and implemented. But at the same time, the art market seems to be shifting in favor of wealthy, blue chip galleries – at the expense of the diversity of the art scene, which consists of big AND small galleries, institutions and non-profits, temporary project spaces, artist initiatives, and so on. I sincerely hope that the art scene will start recovering soon, and that it will be able to regain its previous energy.

Top three art destinations

Helmut Newton Foundation, Berlin
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin
Camera Work, Berlin

Three inspiring artists to watch

Marie Tomanova
Armin Dietrich
Chloé Jafé

Opening of Berlin Photo Week, with Thomas Kretschmann, Richard Kruspe and Olaf Heine, Chaussee 36, Berlin 2019, Photo: Christian Behring

Instagram Nadine Dinter PR @nadine_dinter

Curator Feature / Interview with Sade English, founder of Anticlone Gallery


E m m a n u e l l e  M a r e c h a l

Curator Feature/Interview with Sade English, founder of Anticlone Gallery

Founder and Artistic director of Anticlone Sade English, invited me into her Home Studio to discuss Anticlone Gallery and the evolution of her journey and the Arts industry as she see’s it. The Anticlone Gallery is the evolution of a conceptual and contemporary Art which platforms an unparalleled selection of unique, non conformist Artists.
Surrounded by a mixture of Contemporary and African Art, we turn the tables on the multifaceted Curator, who usually is the one asking Artists questions. Personally invited by Sade, I am the first Black female journalist to interview her yet. Signifying a change and demand for representation not just within the Arts & Design Industry, but globally.

Studio Shots

As the Founder of Anticlone , it is known as a movement, concept, and now Gallery. Can you talk us through Anticlone as a movement and concept, please?

The Anticlone Definition is: to not conform to society. Anticlone as a concept has evolved through life experience, whilst breaking down and understanding society as a whole. I recognised society has a somewhat closed minded view that attempts to prevent our true freedom of expression. This was from experiencing first-hand, the contradictions we face as we evolve as individuals from adolescent to adult age. Especially within the media, educational system and society’s overall impression on how we should or shouldn’t be. We are almost becoming clone like through existing rather than truly living. Witnessing societies constant desire for all to conform to the ‘norm’, created an urge to resist which birthed the term Anticlone.

Anticlone became the conceptual term for my first project in 2013, SADE ENGLISH a Visual Arts and Design brand. With this, the concept became a movement consisting of Artists and likeminded creatives that shared thoughts and methods of expression all through simple conversation. The term Anticlone has become a beacon for individuals to collectively share whether in front of my lens, or now through their own Artistry within Anticlone Gallery. Anticlone as, a concept is embodying non-conformity.

Studio Shots

Can you tell us what your vision of the art world/industry is at the moment? What was the reason that led you to create Anticlone Gallery?

Art to me has and will always mean expression. It’s an unspoken language that enables great conversation which has always been necessary. However, the Arts industry as it currently stands seems to narrate a repetitive story, that’s has not evolved. Artists that are currently seen as ‘of the moment’ to me personally, seem to have as similar back story. The story being, Arts institutions, mentorships, internships etc, have the same mundane narration which is projected as the only route to what society sees as a ‘successful’ Artist. To me, the Art world is not evolving with the Artists, but instead the Artists must surrender to suit the Art world. I have noticed this, which led for me to create Anticlone Gallery.

Whilst I founded Anticlone, the definition bonds an entire community which has evolved to become a movement and collective of powerful individuals who do not allow society to mould, devolve, nor silence their freedom of expression. Anticlone Gallery was made, in memory of my late mother Marcia Byfield, a Graphics Designer and Teacher who uplifted and embraced non conformity. Myself embracing nonconformity, after witnessing her death in February in 2020, I made it my duty to develop the Anticlone concept into a Gallery.

Studio Shots

Your gallery specialises in Conceptual Contemporary Art & Design. Whilst the Anticlone movement describes the Art produced in the era we are currently living in, it feels like the Arts industry as whole is stuck on both the past, and Artists of the past. Why is that in your opinion?

The Arts industry like all establishments has set traditions and foundations, we know Art signifies expression of the Human mind. The past is essential in order to learn from, for this reason history has always been important. However it’s repetitive teachings and practises of old skills alongside continued discussions of the same Artists, in my opinion is to mould and pre-empt which Art is socially acceptable. All Artists are gifted and talented in their own right, however Individuality becomes less apparent and somewhat blurred, when the industry reinforces old styles, or Artist from the past. The ability to create something completely new is rare, and perhaps even impossible as we are subconsciously inspired by things before and around us. I believe if the Arts industry showcases the same Art, style, methods and
teachings, it hinders true freedom of expression. Art as expression is often in response to societies control. Freedom of expression in my opinion should always be the focus, true freedom of non-conformist expression is what at the core of Anticlone.




Do you feel that also explains why artists from non-conventional backgrounds don’t get the visibility they deserve?

Artist from non-conventional backgrounds rarely get visibility. However, there is a small handful, these few are often connected and manoeuvre within the Arts industry within the same circles, it is never by chance. The Arts industry wants to showcase diversity, Globally we see this is apparent and a change has come, but the balance of non-conventional vs conventional is still far from equal. Alongside class, gender and race, I feel that the Arts Industry is built upon a legacies of individuals that lead the culture for this reason it will always recognise Artist’s from conventional backgrounds over an independent artist. Welcoming Artists from all different frames of life is essential in order to nurture raw talent, conversation and expression to be shared. Talent is far from few, but access to talented Artists is the problem. Due to
titles used such as ‘emerging’ or ‘established’, raw talent is not often platformed into the mainstream media. Stressing the importance and value of true expression, without surrendering neither the industry nor society’s labels. Anticlone Gallery has removed these blurred terminologies altogether, enabling the viewer to appreciate Art for what it is, an expression of self.

What should an artist have to be exhibited in your gallery? Can you tell us about some of your Artists and why their work matters?

Simply true freedom of expression, as human beings we have dealt with conformity in one way or another, the freedom to create authentically and transparently is the foundation for each Artist within my Gallery. The ability to share our emotions, thoughts and indifference through visuals is powerful. Every artist that Anticlone Gallery represents matters, I cannot single out one, Othello De‘ Souza Hartley, Conrad Armstrong, George Kanis, Parma Ham, Alexandra Jamies, Elika Bo, Robert Mateusz Marciniak and Tia Yoon’s work all matter. Each Artists is a multidisciplinary within their works, they embody Anticlone.

Conrad Armstrong

You are an artist yourself, but you’re also a woman and mixed-race. How did your experience inform your decision to create Anticlone Gallery?

Being both Founder as well as an Artist enables me to have a grounded and level understanding of what Artist themselves wish their work to symbolise. Understanding the technique through my own Art background, gives me an advantage that in my opinion cannot be taught. Having a concrete relationship with my Artists enables trust, as I truly believe Art is an extension of each Individual’s lived experience in some way or another. To be vulnerable is strength and each trust me with their vulnerability through representing their work, which I am thankful for.

Being a woman, and a Mixed-Race woman doesn’t solely define me, however it is a huge part of my tory, being of Native America/Italian , Jamaican and African ancestry has given me the strength and confidence to move forward and achieve ambitions and goals with great pride, women in the history of Art were often seen as a Muse. I as a woman, and a Mixed-Race woman at that , am here to own my place within the Arts industry shamelessly.

Conrad Armstrong

Your gallery is dedicated to your late mother. Is legacy important to you? Why?

There are few Black/Native American owned galleries in London. So legacy is extremely important to me, my ancestry is rich with culture and creativity, my Jamaican great grandmother & grandmother Daphne English were both Dressmakers before immigrating to England. My brand SADE ENGLISH is named in Memory of her. While my Mother was and Artist & Art Director before becoming one of very few Black teachers in schools she taught in. All of the women in my life have paved a way for me to have the confidence and ability to be where I am today, I take it upon myself to represent them. Legacy paves way for others to know what they are cable of.

You are creating quite a unique gallery in the art space, with a pool of creatives whose craft is different from one another. You also seem to pay a lot of attention to their stories, why is that?

I personally feel peoples lived experiences is what makes them human, this is what bonds humanity as a whole. Understanding an Artist’s personal journey and experience in my opinion gives me a clear insight of their Art is on a deeper level. Art is an extension of an Individual, however it cannot determine the Artists entire existence, only a small entity.

Alejandra jaimes

Anticlone Gallery was meant to be a physical space, but you had to change your plans due to COVID19. How was/is the process?

The Plan is to continue developing the online platform. Lockdown has awakened ideas, where I am able to focus on ways that enable to be as interactive and informative as possible. This process has been important in order to create a new dimension and connection with the viewer. Covid 19 has caused many unfortunate issues world wide, the Arts have been badly affected. It has raised many questions from both the Industry and the Artist’s to explore and adopt different methods to interact with their audience. The plan is to do a physical exhibit once it is safe, I have plans to bring Anticlone Gallery to London, Morocco, Ghana, Tokyo, Berlin and Paris.

You are creating quite a unique gallery in the art space, what would like Anticlone gallery to be and not to be when you look at other galleries? What would you like to see change?

I want Anticlone Gallery to be a safe space for all, a space where both Artists and viewers can come together to express, question and learn from one another with no barriers, whatever their background.I am a proud Londoner, I grew up in Peckham, south east London and felt free to explore everywhere, because of the confidence my late mother instilled in me, however there are many who still feel that the Arts industry is not inclusive of everyone. This is something that must change, and Anticlone Gallery is somewhere I wish break this cycle. Galleries and Museums have free collections for all, however having these things in grand spaces that do not often enough engage or interact with diverse communities is unfortunate. Change Is happening, but there is still more that needs to be done.

Tia yoon Painting

Greg Kanis

Othello De’Souza-Hartley

What is next for Anticlone Gallery?

New works from Anticlone Artists will be launching online the shop at over the next few months. Alongside this there will be a series of new interviews that will be released giving the new audiences an insight to each Artist Anticlone represents. February will be the month I also introduce a new section titled Anticlone Articles to the online platform. Creatives, journalists and friends I have gained on my travels will be contributing Articles on everything from subcultures, Artists and more that embodies the definition of Anticlone, stemming globally from Los Angeles to Tokyo.

Instagram: @sadeenglish &
Twitter: @AnticloneG & @sadeenglish

Etching technique nowadays. An interview with Agnieszka Pestka Paulina Brelińska


Paulina Brelińska

Etching technique nowadays. An interview with Agnieszka Pestka

Agnieszka Pestka is a Polish visual artist based in New York whose works reflect personal stories from the perspective of a young and open-minded woman, a traveller. I talk with her about how she draws inspiration from the feminine power and why she decided to make the etching technique up-to-date.

 Could you say a little more about your creative path, where did you learn the graphic techniques?

 It all started when, living between Tokyo and Sydney, I decided to take a risk and go for my dreams. I know it might sound simple but it wasn’t. If I had to explain it briefly, I would say that I went to New York, where I rented an art studio and learned all the techniques I wanted to. Of course gaining knowledge was connected with my studies at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. It all started with a four-month course in screen printing, but discovering etching was the moment when I found the satisfaction and need for further artistic action. I enrolled in a course in etching and metal furniture making at the same time. However, once I had learnt the basics I started to follow my own creative path.

Exhibition “I don’t want to lose her“, La Vie Gallery, Warsaw 2020 fot. Nel Niezgoda

Who is your mentor? Did you meet him/her during studies?

 Larry B. Wright! I absolutely have to start the whole conversation with this personality. He was one of the lecturers at the School of Visual Arts in New York (SVA) and Robert Rauschenberg’s personal assistant. He wasn’t my teacher directly, but the one who gave all the students the incredible energy to create, get inspired and motivated. He gave me the feeling that everything is possible through hard work. I can’t wait to get back to the studio and hug him! What an amazing man!

When I look at your works I notice that you go beyond paper and prints and focus on the spatial aspects of etching, which might draw me to the conclusion that you draw inspiration mainly from the graphical matrix?

 Sometimes I do paper prints and I really appreciate paper, especially rice paper for its softness and strength at the same time. However, as I said before, metal chose me and vice versa. What appeals to me most is its coldness, strength, weight I have to handle while working on spacial forms. I knew from the first moment I entered the studio that I was in the right place. I touched the metal plate and started imagining how I can shape it. I tried working with paper several times, but it wasn’t the same as working with plates and seeing a three-dimensional form. Imagine that the viewer is inside your sculpture, hidden in the polished surface, and the acid-washed indentations can be seen not only on the work but also reflected in the space where the work is exposed. I perceive light, movement and the ever-changing space as a crucial part of my work.

What do you mean by this?

 I have shown my work in various places and in various configurations.

Agnieszka Pestka, She comes to me at night (and take me in her arms), print on rice paper, 100cm x 183 cm

What is etching to you? Do you think the art and design market is open to this technique?

 Of course it is! When it comes to the sphere of openness, I believe that art is a place of freedom! As artists, we should not look for limits but for solutions in order to exist. This is the role of the brave artist in a rapidly developing capitalist world. Of course, there are trends in art and at the moment there is certainly a lot of colour, in my opinion. But the world is always looking for new fresh looks, even when you use old techniques. Etching is a rather forgotten technique and that is why I have decided to bring it back to life. I want to represent a fresh approach. Usually my work ends up on a polished cool piece of zinc plate. Prints are created rarely or as an addition. For me, etching is unpredictable, surprising, painstaking, unlimited, but also very mine. It is the method that defines me at this moment.

You often pose with your works, how do you consider them? Are they a record of your thoughts and feelings? Do you have a problem with parting with your works?

 My life is quite intense. I am an artist but also an activist. I have lived in 14 countries, travelled a lot and always wanted to experience a lot. I met many people and interesting stories on my way. „Jasmine“ is about an American-Egyptian woman who worked for the pentagon and while washing my face, tells me about the death of her father. The sculpture „River of Blood“ brings me back to memories of watching someone strip the fur from a fox that was still alive, the canvases „Carmen“ are dedicated to the female prisoners I sat with in immigration prison, it tells of women’s freedom. „She comes to me at night (and takes me in her arms)“ tells of my temporary loss of sight. „Let me love things in you that don’t exist“ is about love, the community of women, it answers the question of how women complement each other when they connect on different levels and in many situations. The topics look very disparate but they are a whole and they are united by one common female view of reality.

Pestka Agnieszka, Water, fot. Nel Niezgoda

Exhibition “I don’t want to lose her“, Gallery La Vie, Warsaw 2020 fot. Nel Niezgoda

Agnieszka Pestka, Water, fot. Nel Niezgoda

Could you tell us more about American art world? How would you describe it?

 The United States is a big country. In Miami, New York or Los Angeles there are different rules and trends. But in general Americans are open to the art market and novelties. They appreciate handmade things, work input and personal touch of the object. You could say they are familiar with art galleries. In New York, we often go to a gallery on our way to a restaurant or during a Saturday afternoon walk. Art is really a part of big-city everyday life and thus it’s easier to be artistic and notice other artists.

Instagram: Agnieszka Pestka @peeestka
Web site:Agnieszka Pestka

Interview “Cecil Beaton. Celebrating Celebrity”


L i s a  L u k i a n o v a

Interview “Cecil Beaton. Celebrating Celebrity”

An exhibition of works by British photographer Cecil Beaton will be held at the General Staff of the Hermitage from 9 December 2020 to 14 March 2021. 

Cecil Beaton (1904-1980) is among the most celebrated photographers of the 20th century. After the Second World War he became the official photographer of the British Royal Court; in 1964 he was awarded an Academy Award for his work on the film My Fair Lady. In 1972 he was honored with the title of Sir. Over a career spanning more than fifty years, he has created a portrait gallery of great personalities, from Hollywood superstars to bohemian artists, from surrealist figures to a young Elizabeth II. Beaton described his main task in portraiture as staging an apotheosis – an arrangement of a spectacular appearance of a person in high society. The exhibition “Cecil Beaton. Celebrating Celebrity” presents over 100 portraits taken by Beaton over the years from the photographer’s studio, the V&A, Vogue magazine and Vanity Fair archives. The focus will be on Russian expatriates who have defined fashion culture and posed for Beaton’s portraits.

PurpleHaze team held a short interview with the creators of the exhibition. So, the questions are answered by Julia Napolova, architect and creator of the architectural bureau PSCulture, and the curator of the exhibition “Cecil Beaton. Celebrating Celebrity”, and researcher at the State Hermitage Museum Daria Panayotti.

Hello Julia and Daria, thank you for taking time for that interview. Let’s start with a first question.Please tell us about the PSCulture Bureau, the projects it is involved in and its creation?

Julia Napolova: PSCulture was founded in 2014. From the beginning, the objectives of the Bureau have been positioned in the field of culture, and since then, the company’s course has not changed. Despite its narrow specialisation, the projects are really diverse: concepts for new museums, design of temporary exhibitions, design of international exhibitions. Each new project gives us a new perspective on the multifaceted nature of the subject we deal with. Following a professional challenge, we have put together a team according to the same principle: everyone at PSCulture has their own unique experience and style. At the moment the bureau is working on projects such as the Regalia of the Moscow Kremlin, the Moscow Planetarium exhibition and the Polytechnic Museum. In 2020, in spite of the pandemic, we opened not only Cecil Beaton in the Hermitage, but also exhibitions about Alexander III in the State Historical Museum and Yesenin in the Literary Museum named after A. Dahl. Dal.

The exhibition “Cecil Beaton. Celebrating Celebrity” was launched at the State Hermitage Museum – a project dedicated to the absolutely legendary twentieth-century photographer. Please share what it was like to organise an international exhibition amidst the pandemic?

Daria Panaiotti: At various stages of the project, the participants were required to show very rare qualities that require great composure: a blind faith that the project will happen and a desperate will to keep working at the same level of mastery; optimism in the face of logistical and other difficulties that at first seem insurmountable; the ability to mobilise quickly and start working at maximum capacity when confirmation finally comes about deadlines and the completion of the various stages of the project.

What exactly fascinated you about Cecil Beaton’s work? And why has he become the central character of this new project? Could the theme of secular photography from the turn of the century be of interest to today’s viewers? 

Daria Paniotti: Beaton can be called one of the creators of the culture in which we all live today: the culture of the celebrities, which is based on an avalanche economy of visual images. We all create our public image with selfies on social media today; Cecil Beaton formulated many rules that remain unalterable to this day. 

At the same time, it is a special challenge for the curator. The terminology relating to fashion, secularism, and public culture is poorly developed in Russian. Beaton is part of the phenomenon of British culture, which is very difficult to explain and with which it is difficult to draw parallels in Russian culture. I found this task very challenging because it was a very interesting one.

What was your main source of inspiration in the visual design of the exhibition?

Julia Napolova: The main inspiration for us was Beaton himself, his personality and approach to his work. Cecil loved unconventional moves, provocation, irony – but his camera idolised its characters. We have tried to express this contradiction through the selection of materials. Lace, as the main leitmotif of the decoration, is meant to stun the viewer with its luxury and glitter, but these stars are just a background for the real, Hollywood stars hidden behind the shimmering curtain. The texture of the decorative plaster references the velvet of the Royal House, with which Cecil has worked for many years. The perimeter display is maintained in a more austere monochrome frame, emphasising the aesthetic of black and white photography.

Tell us about the organisers of the exhibition and the team. How did it come together? 

Daria Paniotti: The Contemporary Art Department team and the Hermitage team, which consists of many professionals in a variety of fields, had a lot of help from colleagues at the British Friends Foundation. I think they were also interested in bringing in such an important name, which for some reason has remained very little known to the Russian public.

Many people say that the Internet will soon replace exhibitions. Aren’t museum exhibitions a thing of the past?

Daria Paniotti: It was very important for us to bring exactly vintage prints to the exhibition; nothing can replace the materiality of an art object and a historical object. We’ll see what the long-term effects of the pandemonium will be. Before it, the example of Sweden’s Fotografiska, an ultra-popular museum that actually takes vivid photography from the pages of creative content aggregator sites into physical space, offering a cultural experience of encountering art, a kind of accessible form of high-end consumption, shows that museums cannot replace the Internet.

What is the portrait of your target audience? In your opinion, what and how can you draw the audience’s attention and interest these days?

Daria Panayotti: The Hermitage is one of the main museums in the country, so we always have a task to work with the widest audience. We have tried to select works and compose texts accompanying the exhibition in such a way that it should also attract people, who actually came to see their favourite impressionists and to look at their works.

How do you think the art world will be in 5-10 years?

Daria Paniotti: I think there will certainly be fewer blockbuster exhibitions, and museums will work more with their collections, discovering new things and rethinking old ones. This trend, even before the pandemic, began to be set when MoMA was reorganised. Museums, even the largest ones, will turn to local, urban audiences. Curators will have to look into the eyes of their audience and learn to apply the good old laws of rhetoric, whereas before it was accepted that the curator would create meanings in cooperation with art, while the spectator was often excluded from this dialogue. In Russia, this means that the language of art talk will change in a major way; it will become more transparent, more accessible, and in big cities, it will have to be done without simplifying the content. In my opinion, a very noble task!

What are the three components of a successful exhibition? What is the best way to attract the attention of a person interested in art nowadays?

Daria Paniotti: I think this will vary greatly from country to country. The content of the exhibition needs to resonate with certain social attitudes (strangely, one of the most popular pieces in Cecil Beaton’s exhibition was a portrait of Aldous Huxley; it is a rich source of thoughts! For the Russian viewer, an introductory text which sets the modus vivendi of the art perception is very important (even if it has to be intuitive, rather than intellectual – it had better be spelled out). And, of course, the very organisation of the exhibition must „draw“ you in; it is clear that just displaying the objects in the showcases is not enough; you have to create an environment that will entice the visitor to stay longer, to extend the physical and social experience of going to a museum.

Instagram PSCulture studio @psculture_studio
Facebook PSCulture studio
Facebook Dasha Panayotti dasha.panayotti
Instagram Hermitage Museum @hermitage_museum
Instagram Hermitage 20/21 @hermitage20_21

Interview with visual artist Folrry


I r e n  R u s s o 

Interview with visual artist Folrry

How did you get into ART ?  

I got into art literally by studying other visual artist’s artwork. I loved what they created, and I wanted to create. So, I learnt and started creating my artworks.

How would you describe your creative process?  
I spend a lot of time thinking about concepts sometimes and I start creating parts of the artworks bit by bit. I start with space; what do I want the space to look like, what goes into the space, what story am I trying to tell, or am I even trying to tell any story? I must say, I view every artistic element that I create to make up the final artwork in a singular and standalone form. They all come together in a pluralistic manner to form a singular masterpiece, which is interesting, and at the same time challenging because I am working with shapes, characters, forms, objects, and most importantly translational human experiences; be it my personal experiences or those that I have witnessed.
Most times the process takes weeks or months and sometimes it is rapid. I might be sleeping and here comes the idea, the concept, I get up at midnight and I start creating the piece of art and I don’t stop until I finish it.
What was the key influence that led to the development of your process and style?  
Shapes, forms, objects,colours, their relatedness and relativity to human experiences, emotions and feelings. You get into a spacious room and the way it is set up really makes you feel some kind of way, sometimes you understand it while sometimes you can’t really grasp it, or wearing or choosing colours for an outing or occassion, loving a car because of how it looks on the external and the aftereffect it has on you depending on what you feel at that particular or prior to it. It is fascinating, the human nature and reaction to these things and this has in turn been an integral part of what influenced my art process and style. It is a very multiplex influence translated into a simplistic metaphor of beautiful artwork.
What does art mean to you personally? Is there a goal you’re trying to accomplish?  
To me personally, art means experiences. Be it from artist perspective, or viewer perspective. Spoken or unspoken experiences, tasteful or distasteful. As far there is an experience, then there is art.  Every art I make accomplishes a goal, because I didn’t keep this thought, experience and concept to myself, I shared it in a form of art piece. Hopefully, someone or group of people somewhere can relate with it. I feel that’s the ultimate goal, because from it springs other goals.
How has covid affected you and your art?
It gave me time to create and made me come to the full realisation of art as a product and service. Create the best, be better than the previous best, ask for the best. Covid effect on me personally, is anything could happen anytime but don’t stop believing in yourself.
What’s next? 
You will see…smiles☺ 

Instagram: @folrry
Behance: folrry

Interview with artist Andrea Familari


I r e n  R u s s o 

Interview with artist Andrea Familari

Dear Andrea, thank you for taking time for an interview with us!

Your work is very diverse, expressing itself through the use of various media. Tell us about the creative process behind it.

It’s true, it is really diverse, it combines a lot of practices in one single person. For Tribute to the Noise, the latest series I am developing since two years and a half, I focused on representing the randomity of the behaviour and the constant that in a lot of studies is described as “random variable”: something that you must calculate in all scientific studies, and the one that if you wish to avoid, it will always be there.

In my work, I am translating this random variable into a video with the use of the noise, the video noise. Each video relies on its own rules but, from the audience point of view, it can be perceived differently: you can feel it, understanding its substance immediately. The results can be described as “chaotic”. As an outcome of these explorations, I have developed an original code in GLSL that uses a random value generating the noise itself.

With this process in mind, applied to my personal aesthetic and colours research, I wanted to push my practice forward and use this palette in the most various way possible, therefore experimenting with lots of different media. I wanted to constantly practice by generating and developing different artworks with the same “random” variable, permeated by the same aesthetic: from a big LED wall to a more conventional FULL-HD screening, from different dimensions and aspect ratio of screens to a LED Fan Display, from Prints to 3D Sculptures.

My palette of colours and video movements is definitely evolving with time, but the core remains the same and it is applied in everything that can be produced in the arts – following the daily growth of possibilities found in old, new and future media.

I am very critical towards the rush to the new technologies, the risk to create the first installation that comes to mind, or use them in a simple way without questioning them enough, using them only for the reason of their novelty. To me, time is of vital essence to allow new technologies to sediment and find a truthful, artistic meaning, not only using them for the pure rush of being the “first”.

Right now I’m focused on developing a VR installation and continuing my research on printing techniques, testing different papers, aluminum and 3D sculptures.

At the same time, I’m producing a new show with Fronte Vacuo ( an artists group which I co-founded with Marco Donnarumma ( and Margherita Pevere (

The group was born with the aim to address the current convergence of ecological disruption, socio-political polarization and technological advance. We are working really closely in order to achieve a shared, collective critical thinking flux, each of us with their own expertise but in a continuous exchange of ideas. I’m really glad and proud to have found this sinergy.

What is the main idea you want your audience to take with them?

It’s not really an idea, but feelings. I’ve always appreciated standing in front of an artwork and understanding my own version of it without even reading the description, sometimes not even the title. And I have always remembered the feelings that I had, stronger than the idea that the artist wanted to share. Sometimes these two might overlap, but not always.

When you find yourself in front of an artwork with no coordinates to follow or over explanatory labels, you will try to reflect on something starting from it, and that will probably carry your mind somewhere else. That’s the journey I am interested in. By allowing yourself into my artworks, I am sure half of the meaning resides already there in yourself: then a part of the audience will maybe reach my idea, or not. And it doesn’t really matter in the end.

How would you define your personal aesthetics?

In a few words I would say a raw, hardcore grudge.

Naturally it’s not just that, but I would love this to be the only and final definition. I am focused on the grotesque that you can extrapolate from the use of the colors and shapes.

Tell us about the spaces within which you work.

It’s been two years since I started working in my current studio in Mitte. It’s a shared space with four artists – visual artists, sound artists and film directors. It’s basically divided into two different spaces: one which is more like an office with desks, computers, electronics and so on, and then a basement/atelier/tryouts space. Usually, most of the time, the only thing I need is my computer. But it is not the typical space where everyone has their own desk and we are by ourselves. We all have a good alliance and are really close, we are friends. We are trying to maintain an environment where mutual help and exchange are fundamental values at the core of our shared practice and space.

Have you ever had a moment when you questioned your career entirely?

Yes of course, during the last nine years it happened more than once. I guess every artist, every year, questions themselves.There is a moment, when you perceive the shadow of futility, looking at years and years of practice and feeling completely out of time or without a clear message for your audience…

From my perspective, it comes down to the fact that, in the end, we are human beings. With all the feelings and implications that derive from it. The most important part, though, is to get through these bad times. No matter what or how. I am usually getting over these moments by working harder.

Do you find that Berlin’s art scene inspires or influences your art?

Definitely. At least, when I moved here for sure. I moved to Berlin because of the incredibly nuanced and growing media art scene. A lot of artists from the past that inspired me were living here or their works were “born” and exhibited here. I wanted to see them live and not just on the web. After seven years of research and investigations, I found my own aesthetic and the aim in my work; what defines my “brush”. Even today, Berlin is still a place where I am intrigued by the art that is constantly in the making and the community surrounding this production. There is still a good exchange and knowledge sharing in the artistic community. It’s something that I have and I will always appreciate.

What advice would you give to a young artist following your steps?

The best advice that I continue to believe in and follow everyday is to “never give up” and “work everyday”. It sounds obvious and cheesy, but it is the fundamental part of every practice. As I said before, there will be dark times where you will question your entire career, but staying focused and continuing to believe in it, after years of trying and changing, and changing again, you will achieve what you have in mind. From my experience and encounters of my career, I didn’t find only one path to follow, no one can direct you where to go.

A good piece of art or, actually, any kind of job requires hard work before achieving the ideal results. It’s not something that appears overnight, but after years, and it may never do. And we need to keep on creating, being at peace with it. Everything needs time, and everyone has their own times.

Instagram Andrea Familari: @famifax